
Monday, April 15, 2013

Cup A Kope

For design class we had to come up with a package design for a coffee company. To start, the teacher gave us the name "Coffee Break." We could pick a different name once we knew who our target audience was. I chose to target those in the age range of 20-50, and I forget what else (I don't have my paper with me). Something to do with people who want to go to Hawaii but don't have the time and money right now. :)

These pictures are from when I put them together. My teacher is a stickler on making sure the quality of the assembling is 100%.

To start, I used a straight edge and x-acto knife to cut the straight edges. Then I glued everything together and used clothes pins to hold it together until the glue dried.

Now comes the hard part...cutting the curved part. I was really nervous because the teacher wanted it to be perfect. I used a scissors and went really slow. 

And they turned out better then I thought they would! I was super excited!!! :)

A close up of the logo that I designed for it. The little hut I made in Photoshop.

The sides. The image on the front wraps around to the right side of the package.

The back. We had to include the ingredients, brewing instructions, and a few organic/natural logos.

And the front of all three (from the top)...

Hawaiian Delight

Chocolate Raspberry

Vanilla Macadamia Nut

My photo shoot setup...the kitchen table with black boards :)


Sarah said...

Good thing you are in the class and not me! I couldn't have done that! Great job! :)

Heidi B said...

Thanks Sarah! :)

dvm2015 said...

Wow, that is mighty impressive! (ps, you can probably tell that this isn't Evan writing this!)

Heidi B said...

Thanks! Why...cause the comment isn't negative? :)

dvm2015 said...

Exactly, his comments are almost always just pointing out some mistake or giving you or me a hard time!

Leah said...

Wow, Heidi, That is really good! And I like your homemade photo shoot ;)