
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year! Can't believe that it's 2012 already! Time sure does fly :)

Here's some pics from Christmas Day at U. Doug and A. Jane's.

We played a game where we split into teams and each team had a brown bag with pieces of food wrapped in aluminum foil. Each person took a turn going up to the counter, grabbing a piece, unwrapped it, and then had to eat it. 

I had a slice of red onion. It was disgusting!!! (if you can't tell)

Jesse also got a red onion.

Laura was so excited about what she got to eat! ;)

This time, I got something good!

After that, we played the game where you have a couple of presents in the circle and then someone reads a story that includes lots of lefts and rights. Whoever has the present in their hand when the story is done, gets the present.

A. Dawn and Rebekah

Nice Andy!

The reader

Cute U. Doug!

Typical Andy ;)

Lanae had my camera and was taking pictures. Sam saw her and put his hand on Evan's cheek and said "Evan, smile at the camera." :)

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