
Monday, April 14, 2014

Croghan, NY

This past weekend the young group traveled to Croghan and served lunch in church. Saturday we met at church at 7:45 (well we were supposed to anyways). We got there just a little before 8 because Evan decided that around 7:35 was a good time to start packing.

Unlike last time, we made it to Croghan without any shredded tires!

We went to a sugar bush place and saw how they boiled sap to make syrup. It was pretty interesting....they had a huge thing of sap boiling, but it was in sections. The middle part was the closest to being done, so when it was done, the guy let it out into buckets and dumped it to be drained. Then he let some of the other sap into the "almost done" section.

Saturday night there was a potluck and singing at church. Saturday night I stayed at Ron & Eleanors with 6 other girls.
Amanda, me, Janelle, Julianne, Laura, Sarah Chelsea

Sunday was church and then we left after the afternoon service was over. Here's the whole group

We stopped in Springfield at Uno Pizza & Grill. Here's most of the table! The reservation was made for 29 people. This was the third restaurant that could/would take such a large group :) Just add 3 more people on each side and then one on the end. Someone walked behind me to go to the bathroom and they said, "Oh, how nice! A big class!" Ha, a class alright...what grade are we then?! :)
The line in the photo is to show you where the other end of the table is! It is right above the last persons head.

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