Friday morning we headed to Cave Creek, AZ where we met Heather & Andrea's mom and her husband at her husband's sisters place.
And by the way....the vehicle I'm standing next to is the one that I'm getting the end of May! :)
Hanging out in the backyard
We happened to wear the same shirts that day so we had to get a picture :)
The bigger dog had just been to the groomer's and had her nails painted purple. Never seen a dog with painted nails before!
After hanging out for a little while we went to some shops in town. This place had a ton of stuff.
Heather, Janet, Andrea
A store that had a lot of rocks. There had a big thing of crystal, I think a couple tons, that was for sale for $255,000 (I think...)
That night we went to a cowboy dinner and then watched the first round of amateur bull riding.
The cowboys
Getting ready...
Go! Sorry for the blurry's the best I had. They were moving too fast!
The little kids that rode sheep
The winner of the sheep riding
We were standing literally right in front of the music so it was really loud. (this one takes a while until they actually come out of the pen, you can skip to about 58 seconds if you don't want to listen to the guy talk)
This one gets blurry at the end but it's still really cute. A young boy riding a calf
The group:
David, Norm, Jeff, Carole, Janet, Andrea, Heather, Heidi
This was probably the most fun day!