
Monday, October 3, 2011

The Duck Pond

Mom babysat for James and David a couple weeks ago and we brought them to the duck pond in South Windsor. We brought along a bunch of old frozen bread.

When we got there, there were ducks walking along the railing. They left some nice trails on the railing that we tried not to get our arms in!

There were some pretty ducks there but they were moving too much for me to get a good picture. Here's one of my best ones.

 A certain someone got tired :)

For a project for school, I needed a picture of someone that had their hand up by their face (showed the 5 senses taste touch etc). After asking a couple times I got James to do it.

A goose standing in the middle of the water. He's pretty tall! :) Must have been a log or rock underneath the water.

I didn't get a picture of the bread, but we had quite the pile. By the time we were done throwing it, not too many ducks were eating. There was quite a few pieces of bread floating in the water :)

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