
Monday, August 22, 2011

Bernese Mountain Puppies

Well, did I wait long enough to put up a new post? It's a good thing I'm not getting paid to do this, I would be very poor!!!

Anywhooo, my brother David house/pet sat for a friend of ours and they had 5 week old  Bernese Mountain puppies. So, I went over one day with him, my sister, and of course my camera :) They were sooo cute!!!

But first, the mom

And now onto the puppies (I won't bore you with all the pictures I took [43])...

I love the tilt of the head on this one :)

There was also a cat and a kitten at the house. The puppies loved to play with the kitten.

I think this one is my favorite out of all the pictures I took.

They were so cute. Too bad we didn't want another dog.... :)


Anonymous said...

You can always get another dog and pay for the bills! Then you could have your "cute puppy"

Heidi B said...

Pictures are cheaper!!!