
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Snapshot Contest

Another photo contest! This time for the summer :)

I took some pictures of strawberry lemonade that I had made. I also took pictures of the sunflowers in my brothers garden.

These are the pictures I entered:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bernese Mountain Puppies

Well, did I wait long enough to put up a new post? It's a good thing I'm not getting paid to do this, I would be very poor!!!

Anywhooo, my brother David house/pet sat for a friend of ours and they had 5 week old  Bernese Mountain puppies. So, I went over one day with him, my sister, and of course my camera :) They were sooo cute!!!

But first, the mom

And now onto the puppies (I won't bore you with all the pictures I took [43])...

I love the tilt of the head on this one :)

There was also a cat and a kitten at the house. The puppies loved to play with the kitten.

I think this one is my favorite out of all the pictures I took.

They were so cute. Too bad we didn't want another dog.... :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Well, next up in line to be posted was David's Farewell Party...but since he already did that, I will leave you with a link to his post (that's the easy way but who cares??!!)

Ok, next stop...

One day in July this butterfly was sitting on our back platform. I was surprised I was able to get the screen door open without it flying away, since the door is kind of squeaky. As soon as I took the picture though, it flew away. He heard the click of the camera :)

This picture was after (kind of after, a little more like during the end:) a shower. I've always wanted to get a picture of a flower with the rain drops on it. Guess it turned out pretty good.

Well, that's it for today. Next up...some of the cutest puppies ever!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekend in Vermont

Friday, July 8th, I rode up to Vermont with Rebekah S. We were going to spend the night up at the Goric's cabin. Lauren, Amber H, and Bonnie I (from PA) were already up there.

The front of the cabin:

 Inside the cabin, looking towards the back

Up in the loft, the door is to the right, at the end of the stairs.

Upstairs in the loft, looking to the left.

The view from the font deck.

Us 5 girls, sorry about the grainy picture.

On Saturday, we had breakfast at the cabin and then we rode kayaks and tubes down a river. It was sooo fun even though I fell out of the blow-up raft and got dragged down the river :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fourth of July Parade

Monday after the Grimms left, we went to a Fourth of July Parade in Massachusetts. This parade is about 2 hours long and is a good parade.
Three things that I like about the parade...

This man rides the unicycle the whole parade. 

These shriners are awesome!

These are cool!

This year there was a whole crew of us up there.

And a random picture of my sister and I...

We took this picture and then put it as my brother's background on his computer. It didn't look that good because it kept the length but squished the height, so we looked short and fat...not cute!

David is moving to Illinois to go to veterinarian school at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign...he leaves tomorrow. (hence the Illinois t-shirts:)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fourth of July

Wow...this is really late! Oh, well.

Fourth of July weekend we had invite a family weekend for the bible class in Sunday School. We invited John and Julie Grimm from Columbus, OH. Friday night, July 1st, we had dinner at the Luginbuhl pond (sorry no pictures that night:)

Saturday we went down to Keith & Mary's in Waterford, CT. We had lots of fun!

This game is kind of like tug of war, but you are standing on wooden boxes not even a foot square. If you fall off, then you lose.

They had horse shoes...

Marcy B. and I
 Evan and our company boy, Joshua

Our company, John and Julie

Mom and Julie

Carla and our company girl, Julia

Our family and the Grimm's

We all had fun that weekend. Hopefully we will do it again soon!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Illinois continued...

On Monday we went and visited U. Loren & A. Joan's house (they are actually my great uncle and aunt). U. Loren took David and Evan fishing and A. Joan took Mom, Carla, & I shopping (Yippee!!) On the way out to the car we saw these hibiscus. A. Joan said that U. Loren made the pots.

These pots are sweet huh??

On Tuesday, Mom, David, and I went to Champagne to see David's apartment.
To see pictures, see David's post about his apartment.

On Wednesday we just hung around Grandma's house. Around 3 pm we left for the train station. We got home on Friday around 6 or so.

And guess what??!!
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!!!