
Friday, July 29, 2011

The Farm, The Gerber Family, & The Works Bomb

Basically Illinois Part 2 :)

We visited my dad's second cousins farm on Saturday. They have red, white, and blue turkeys!!

And of course, they have cows...

They also had some weird looking chicken/bird things but I didn't get any pictures.
After we were done at the farm, we had dinner with my mom's side of the family that lives in the Fairbury/Forrest area. We had dinner at a park.

Carla and our second cousin, Jamie.

Deep in conversation :)

The little boy in the orange had to be the cutest little boy there! He was so cute!!

Our second cousin Ross (I think) and Evan after a hard game of baseball toss ;)

Sunday after church Evan filled up a bottle with Works toilet cleaner and Aluminum Foil. That makes quite the bomb!!

Starring Evan Beutel...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Train Ride & Grandpa's 80th Birthday Party

I am the worst blogger ever. I am so far behind. Oh well!

We took the train out to Illinois this time. David had flown out before for provings and baptisms of our second cousins. We left the train station in Springfield, MA Thursday June 23rd at 2:45 PM. We got in to Chicago around 12:00 PM on Friday June 24th. We were two hours late, not bad considering it was a train!

Some pics of us on the train

On the way out we wanted to get 5 seats that were together. I didn't notice until after we were settled that we didn't have windows to look out of. On all the cars, the first row of seats have no windows. Bummer!!! I guess that's what music is for :)

Evan was the lucky one who had to sit with other people.

He didn't seem to mind :)

That night at Tremont Fellowship Hall, we had a birthday party for my Grandpa. He turned 80 on June 17th. They waited to have the party because we were coming and my U. Richard & Mariah we coming out too.

The grandkids

David & Caleb Larson (one of our second cousins)

Andrea, Heidi, Heather, Grandma, & Grandpa

The granddaughters

U. Gene & A. Marg. U. Gene is my Grandma Beutel's brother and A. Marg is my Grandpa Gerber's sister. Double relation!

Grandpa & Grandma with U. David & A. Eunice (Grandpa's brother)

Dad & David

U. Dan (Dad's brother) & Dad

Heather, U. Dan, & Andrea

Grandpa & Grandma with their kids.
From left to right: U. Dan, A. Colleen, Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, & U. Richard

Heather, me, & Andrea

They served cookies and punch. A fun evening was had by all!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A New Blog to Follow

Since my brother is moving to Illinois for school, he thought he would set up a blog to keep everyone that will be left behind, up to date.

He posted what his apartment complex looks like.

Here's a sneak peak:
Pretty sweet huh??

Go check out Journey To A DVM!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sunday School Picnic

June 18th was the Sunday School Picnic at East Windsor Park (almost a month ago...tells you how on top of things I am:)

Heidi sitting by the water + her camera = random pictures

So here they are!!

Evan G

David V

Sam G

Lena M

The "gathering" place for the teens

Landon L

And the cutest little girl ever...Lexy R

Love her hair!!!

All the parents "life-guarding"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

FFA Video & Sneak Peak

I heard that some people had problems viewing the video from the FFA Banquet post. I just re-uploaded it so try again!

Here's a sneak peak of what is coming...


-I will upload those pictures I was talking about in the last post

-I will go through and pick which pictures to post

-I will write a post (or two or three) about what has been going on around here!

So do you know what that means?!?!?!?!
I got my computer back!!! (but not a bill yet :)

And a random picture to finish the post:
Flowers I got from a friend for graduation

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catch up

Well, we're home from Illinois, our company has come and gone and so has the fourth of July, and I have LOTS of pictures.

But unfortunately I don't have my computer (right now I'm using my brother's computer), because it is at the "computer shop". Something was very wrong with it and hopefully I will get it back, working and not too large a bill :)

So, once my computer is fixed, I will post about our trip to Illinois and our fourth of July weekend.

Hope everyone had a good fourth of July!!